Who am I?
Hi, For those that don't know me I'm William and Ive been SSAGO's Treasurer for the past year and would like to continue in the role.
I'm currently a member of Swansea studing a Msc Economics but previously I was at Aberystwyth where I was quatermaster and Treasurer of Aber SSAGO.
Having started univeristy in COVID without clubs meeting in person, I was the only Aber SSAGO fresher which combined with older members graduating meant I had step up to commitee without going to an in person meeting. This experiance shown my adaptability and willingness to step up when needed.
Outside of SSAGO, I am a member of Network at Univeristy and in the process of setting up a Network in my local area. I also volunteer at my old scout troop at home.
Why should you Vote for me?
Firstly, Experience. I've done it once, Why not twice?
As I was National Treasuer for 2023/24 I have all the necessary experiance and first hand knowlege of the role which is important for the smooth running of SSAGO. I beleive I have done a good job in my role with will put me in a good postion to continue.
I have really enjoyed being on team pink and I would like to continue to do an even better job than my first year to shape SSAGO into the best version of itself.
Before Team Pink, I was the treasurer of Aber SSAGO combined with my Economics degree means I am well suited to the challenges and demands of the role.
Also, I was on the event commiee for several Welsh freshers camps which allowed me to experience how to run a successful event. This will allow me to continue to support the running of National events.
Secondly, I am passionate about SSAGO (which may or may not have manifestied in travelling 10 hours round trip for a 3 hour ssrob event)
Through my 4 years of being a SSAGO member, I have gained a unique understanding of the way ssago operates, It also has allowed me to think of ways to improve SSAGO. This include providing value for money events which all members can benefit and enjoy. Another way is to promote the projects. A good example of this is SSROB. If the SSAGO projects organise events outside of national events It can create communities inside of SSAGO. This can be acheived by working closely with the chair and events officers to enable people to have the support to orgainse the events.
We have a cost of living crisis at the moment and through the past year I have seen first hand how hard it is for event committees to run a successful event with these budget restraints. This means I am well positioned to offer help as I've done it before with past events.